As people age and circumstances like work status change, some may find themselves bored or lonely without consistent social interaction. Senior care centers that provide social activities are a great place for older adults to attend and experience new and exciting things. Belleville Senior Services in Belleville, New Jersey, is an adult medical daycare provider offering personalized and professional care services to seniors in our community. Here we’ll share more information about how senior care benefits elders by providing them with social activities.
Benefits of Activities for Seniors in Care
Getting older comes with a lot of life changes, including retirement, health issues, and other factors that can play a role in your emotional and physical well-being. Many older people struggle with feelings of isolation, loneliness, and boredom, but there are ways to combat these feelings. One way is by getting involved with social activities in your area, whether through your church, local recreation center, or an adult medical daycare program like the one offered at Belleville Senior Services. Participating in social activities and getting involved in their local community benefits seniors in a variety of ways, including:
Improved Physical Health and Activity
When seniors don’t get out much and socialize with others, they’re often sedentary and struggling with loneliness, and these factors can lead to health problems. However, studies have shown that people with strong social connections have lower risks for certain diseases like heart disease, dementia, and depression.
Many social activities geared towards seniors also involve some sort of physical activity, whether it be silver sneaker classes, walks, or yoga. This helps seniors get active and form healthy habits, which can also improve physical health. At Belleville Senior Services, we offer daily group exercise classes to get our patients moving and increase their level of physical activity.
Improved Cognitive Function
In addition to improving physical health, increased social activity can also help to improve emotional and mental health by improving cognitive function. Studies have shown that cognitively stimulating social activity benefits cognitive functions by providing resistance to mental diseases and reducing rates of cognitive decline. Examples of social activities that are cognitively stimulating include gardening, volunteering, baking, doing puzzles, listening to music, etc. At Belleville Senior Services, we offer learning and technology classes, an on-site library, games, music, and more activities to stimulate the cognitive function of our seniors.
New Friendships Developed
Social interaction with other older people provides seniors a chance to switch up their routines, meet new people, and develop relationships with people their age. It also provides them with people to relate to, spend time with, and feel a sense of belonging with. Having friends and emotional support benefits your mental and emotional well-being and can also provide a sense of purpose. Belleville Senior Services knows the importance of social activities and interactions and provides many options for our seniors to attend, including holiday and birthday celebrations, shopping trips, field trips, cultural observances, and more. Check out our gallery to see photos from some of our popular events.
Social activity can also lead to lowered stress levels, higher self-esteem, and a longer lifespan. Enrolling your loved one in an adult medical daycare program is a way to increase their social activity and therefore, improve their physical health, cognitive function, and meaningful relationships. Belleville Senior Services provides compassionate and customized senior care services like our adult medical daycare program to improve the lives of our clients.
Schedule a Care Consultation Today
If you’re a senior looking for more engagement in your life or a family member whose loved one needs some social interaction, consider scheduling a care consultation at Belleville Senior Services to see if our services are right for your needs. From medical services and nutrition to activities and outings, Belleville Senior Services has a wide range of services designed to help seniors in the Belleville, NJ, area stay healthy, supported, and happy. Contact us today to learn more about our program and how we can help you.
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